Class of 1976 30 Year Reunion
The 30 year anniversary of our high school graduation was held in Odessa on Friday July 7th and Saturday July 8th. Everyone had a great time catching up with old friends. We plan to try to keep updating the address list until the 35th, so keep sending your changes. Maybe 5 years from now it won't be such an effort. We are posting any pictures or links to pictures taken at the reunion. Stay tuned.... Special thanks go out to : Allen Jenkins for hosting the web site. Karen Pieper Hildebrand and Tony Fry for pulling all of us together! The Indians: Jamey Reeves, Sally Dunn McGuffy, Mike Morris, Sandy Pool Ellison, Vicki Sisco, Don Orren, Russell Wheatley, Rick Coskrey, Mike Reed, Teresa Digby Miller, Gay Vaught Fields, Beverly Stennett Evans, Cal Shintani, Donna Crane Kelm and Debby Fincher. It may take awhile to get these pictures gathered, organized and posted. We can only afford to hire cheap web designers, not experienced ones!
Classmate Contact InformationClick the link below to access the most current contact information If you need to update your contact information or have information for other classmates, please e-mail Jamey Reeves at or Sally Dunn McGuffey at If you have any contact info for the people below please send it to Jamey or Sally.
Anyone that has contact information about themselves or other classmates please click on the link below. or
For more information or to volunteer to help out please contact: Karen Hildebrand (Pieper) at